How to Subscribe to Top Posts of your Favorite Subreddits via RSS
December 28, 2018

What is Reddit

Reddit is an online community site with more than a million sub communities known as subreddits each covering a different topic.

You can browse sub reddits by visiting the reddit homepage for the top most news or going to, for example, /r/boardgames which is a subreddit for people to discuss board games.

You can also register an account to take part in the discussions of a certain post, up vote or down vote, and also create your own posts.

Learn more about reddit in this beginner's guide to reddit.

What is RSS

RSS offers a way to stay informed on the latest content from sites you're interested in without having to visit each site and manually checking for new content.

Using an RSS Reader, like Feedly or InoReader for example, you can subscribe to multiple sites (hundreds of sites being normal) and the reader will inform you of the new content or articles posted on the sites you follow; while also marking the ones you have already visited as read.

While you can always subscribe to each site's newsletter, using RSS you're also ensuring your privacy by not providing your email address to each and every site you're interested in.

If want to keep track of particular subreddits without opening reddit on a daily basis, the RSS options of reddit are your new best friend. Read on!

Subscribing to sub reddits via RSS

The gist of creating an RSS feed link from a subreddit is just appending ".rss" to the end of your subreddit URL.

If you'd like to learn more about all the RSS features that reddit provides, please check the references and the examples below.


  1. -- Subscribe to the StarCraft subreddit using the default options of reddit. At the time of this writing it will show the newest 25 posts.
  2. -- Add the "top" and "limit" options to subscribe to the top 5 posts of the StarCraft subreddit only. If your RSS reader hits this link once a day you'll get 5 posts per day only. On a subsequent day, you'll get 5 or less posts since only new top posts will be added by your RSS reader.
  3. -- Use the plus sign to subscribe to the top 5 posts on both the LifeProTips and GetDisciplined subreddits via a single link.


Reddit: What RSS features does reddit have?

Reddit: How to RSS everything?

HowToGeek: How to Get an RSS Feed For Any Subreddit


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Mario Awad

Founder of SOFTKUBE, lead developer, and getting things done addict. Passionate about open source, user interface design, business development, and the tech world.

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